Is there even one person on this forum who has a positive "cold call" story?


Well-known member
Is there even one person on this forum who has a positive "cold call" story?

Firstly, I don't mean you cold called someone and you made papers rise.

No sir. I mean, have you ever received a cold call as the "first step" to your financial improvement?

Because I don't know, nor never met, even one person who has a positive & financial "cold call story" in my life, I thought it would be interesting to ask here.

So, please let us know if your first step towards financial betterment, involved your *receiving* a cold call. Would be most interested to hear why and what happened. Thank you.

EDIT please keep your answer (assuming there might even be one person who does have a + cold call story) on topic - related to trading, finance and the markets only - and not "someone called me up O.O.T.B. and offered me a two mars bars voucher for the price of one". etc.
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