the KC Collection?


Junior member
I heard the methodology is the way to go (other than just using the scalp strategy). Anyone using it?
Is that so? Posting it only once and not even giving the website address? How else can a person get feedback here on a system before purchasing it unless he asks for the feedback?

I am not new to this forum, having joined the same year you did. You are very quick (and very wrong in this case) to jump to the wrong conclusions for a legitimate query.
Is that so? Posting it only once and not even giving the website address? How else can a person get feedback here on a system before purchasing it unless he asks for the feedback?

I am not new to this forum, having joined the same year you did. You are very quick (and very wrong in this case) to jump to the wrong conclusions for a legitimate query.

only a naive spammer would ask a question the way you do.
To zt3k: And only an absolute moron would talk like you do! Do everyone on this forum a favor and Get a Life. And then Get Help.

If any real traders have experience with the KC Collection, please let me know. Thanks very much.
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To zt3k: And only an absolute moron would talk like you do! Do everyone on this forum a favor and Get a Life. And then Get Help.

If any real traders have experience with the KC Collection, please let me know. Thanks very much.

They have run back tests in Tradestation and produced performance results which, at first glance, look quite good. However like all these people selling systems there is always a deception just under the surface. Firstly why have they not traded this system live themselves if it is so great? Secondly why did they not include commission in their back test? Live trading results would also have shown how much slippage the system could expect.

They did neither of these things because they would have reduced the profitability greatly, perhaps to the point of it being break even or at a loss. At the bottom of the performance results you'll see this admission.

"Add costs for broker commissions and any slippage"

So to cut a long story short you'll be wasting your money if you buy this system.
Thank you very much for your comments, pboyles.

I actually have talked to their support people via email, and they stressed that they designed the software primarily as a methodology (ie., a "Collection") which includes the system plus filtering indicators. So although they said that some people may use the system part alone to scalp trade, they recommend and trade it themselves as a methodology using the other indicators, which they said allows them to pull in considerably more profits than the performance summaries (of the system alone) show. They said they primarily use the entry signals of the system but then exit using their other proprietary indicators.

Regarding your comments, interestingly enough I also haven't seen any testimonials on their site from users using just the system part alone. But there seem to be a good number of them who use the whole package as a methodology and are saying they are having success like that.

So since their support people seem to be stressing the methodology approach, I'd also love to hear any comments from those who may be using whole package in that way....any 3rd party confirmation if that is possible. Thanks much again...

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"A methdolology using other indicators" = FAIL
Performance report by itself and especially not including costs = FAIL
Making decisions by looking only at a performance report, even with a good strategy = BIG FAIL
Saying they can out do even a faulty performance report, but yet provide no proof of such = FAIL
The wordings that you are using are indicative of many folks who put indicators out for lease. They are giving themselves as many outs as they can. They are trying to put the blame of failure onto the end customer by saying they should use these in conjunction with other indicators. If this is so then why don't they tell you which other indicators or simply apply those other indicators to their code set to help you do better. I still lean towards the blame placing aspect.

This applies to nearly any indicator or help tool there is. IF the product can not stand on its own and produce winning trades and trade choices then how is it supposed to be of any real help to you ? If it can't be applied and make some money then exactly what decision choice is it giving you ? Certainly not a good choice if it is a not a winner by itself.