the great depression!


Well guys, what can i say....................... Been working hard for 3 years to save money, i did that and started trading, wasnt making money so i bought books...............

Still wasnt making money so i went to free seminars............

Still wasnt making money so i spent ££££ on a course...........

Still wasnt making money so spent MORE ££££ on onther course.............

And guss what STILL NOT making money!

Now i have come to the conclusion that I'm THICK & StupiD with a capital T.&.S..

I'm thinking of given the game up.......................................But just wanted to say for all those that are making money.....I ENVY U!..............and HOW ON EARTH ARE U DOING IT??

KetanK.........RIP 😈
sorry to hear that mate..
we all go through it at some point..

for want of a little tip, ignore what the majority of textbooks say. sell high, buy low, not what most of them seem to say.

if you have decent stop loss placement and exit strategies, then things will take care of themselves.

keep things simple, otherwise you will end up like Nick Faldo in the late 1990s..(things never got better after his Star Wars appearances.. Patriot games was a bit average too)

Sounds to me like you need a break

Seriously, take a break from trading - don't give up, just give it a miss for a month. Go away, enjoy the rest and come back at the end of January after the holidays. Sometimes we need to give our minds and emotions a time of R&R.

When you come back, don't trade with money - paper trade real time ie don't look back on charts and say yest I would go long there, short there etc. Trade like you would if you were using money, just don't place the trade - write it down. Write down why you took that trade, if you can, print out the chart and keep it with your notes.

It would be a real shame to quit after you have invested all that time, effort and money. You have gain so much experience now, just give yourself a rest and come back refreshed, and willing to trade 'cause you will know that you have no money to loose.

Yes, I know paper trading it isn't the same, but after a while you will see if it is your system that isn't working or your psychology - it is important to learn where the problems are, otherwise you might try and fix the wrong issue!

Try it, you have nothing to loose. Purpose in your heart that you will come back at the end of January and paper trade. If you need to, clean out your brokerage account so you don't have enough in it to trade in case you are tempted.

Paper trade until you are a winner, then try and continue trading the same winning formula, but with money.

Have a good break.
been there


know what it feels like (though perhaps to a lesser extent). In my case, I have come to the conclusion that my trading needs to be totally systems-based. That does not necessarily mean I have to become an IT boffin, but it does mean that I have to develop strategies and associated rules and then follow them. No more gut for me as I have learnt that I seldom have the follow through even when I'm right

Like a previous poster said - take a break. Once you do, you'll come back with a fresh view of what to do, not what not to do..

have a good holiday 🙂
I agree with the guys above, I must say. I think that you have potentially much to gain from taking a break and nothing at all to lose. I can't remember now whose sign-file here says "distance = perspective" but he is right.
Do yourself a favour and heed the above with one minor addition, buy a copy of Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
KETANK - Stop spending money on courses and books. That'll halt the financial bleed.

Spend all your FREE time here on t2w and go through the last year's worth of posts - on everything - and stay current. (That'll take a lot of time and be worth 1000 times what you've already spent).

Accrue trading capital through whatever means you have at your disposal during the 6-12 months it's going to take you to do the above.

At the end of that time, you'll be in a position to answer your own question and point others in the right direction too.
Ketank - I agree with all the above. All I would add is that when you papertrade in realtime, you MUST write it down. If it's not wrtitten down then it didn't happen. No crossings out, no tippex! NOTHING has happened until you've written down the price and then it is irrevocable.
Guys thank you for all your comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with one thing which is I need a break, and i'm going on hoilday in 2 weeks so that will help..... your also right, I must NOT give up..........

i guss its just a bad stage of the cylce 🙄
Ketank............Don't give up,

there is far more to be learned from "Failure" than any success
"success" how ever you define that word, is the result of many non success's
learning from that experience and not repeating what doesn't work !
Simple, but really hard to do.....I know from bitter experience
No one on planet earth has had more failure's that me !!
I'm still here doing it, a lot wiser but so much more to learn......................
Good Luck