Test of product



If this post is in violation of any forum rules then please accept my apologies and delete it. But since I am not really sure I figured I would give it a go.

We are building up an advisory service related to financial wagering and need to test our product/system. For this purpose I would like to get in contact with 20-30 people who are interested in signing up for a trial subscription. Instead of sending out to 20 dummy accounts to see if they arrive correctly we would rather send it to 20 people who might actually gain some inspiration from this information (and give us feedback on the presentation).

Please note that no one participating in this test will ever get any request to purchase a product or anything like this. They will simply get the promised information and nothing more. Please also note that only 20-30 people will be accepted (first come...).

If you are interested in seeing our material and following our releases for a short period of time then contact me through the private messaging system with your e-mail address and I will sign you up for the test. You can also write me on [email protected].

In order not to violate rules related to the marketing of commercial products on the boards I will not disclose the name of the project here.

Kind regards,
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