Hi OptionsTrader1,
Just some remarks:
If your wife is not only european, but citizen of one of the elect EU countries, she will be eligible for swiss residency - if she proves of an employment in CH or other sufficient means/ways of living. Husband/kids will be granted residency as well - if salary/pension/funds are sufficient.
I doubt that a US citizen with swiss residency will be easily accepted as a customer by swiss banks/brokers.
Capital gains not taxed, if they stem from the growth of your wealth or careful longterm dispositions - without doubt. But profits of a professional fulltime trader? I doubt it. If its your profession you will not only be taxed, but also subject to social security ( ca 9.5%) on top - if you are a private trader.
Concerning resideny here is a link
http://www.live-in-switzerland.com/e/faq/index.html - concerning the special taxation situation
http://www.ghr.ch/index.php?section=downloads&cmd=29&download=53 or google for " Gewerblicher Wertschriftenhandel " - unfortunately german only.
As far as I know the best tax-conditions for serious full time traders in Europe would be Italy, NL, Malta and Cyprus ---- aside from Greece. The german speaking part of Italy - formerly austrian Tyrolia has living conditions (schooling, medical..) at high standard ( city of Bozen/Bolzano).
Also you might check a part of Italy that is accessible only from switzerland: Campione
A last word of warning: Saving taxes might be a high motivation --- for some. But you`ll only be a foreigner, in foreign lands speaking a foreign language ....
Kind regards