surf in secret


Senior member
Well I never thought I would be posting on matters un related to trading, but this is one that needs to be shared.

It is anonymous surfing. No more having to delete cache/history logs before the wife sees what porn sites you have been visiting. Use it at work and the boss can't catch you.

What it does is to give you a dummy ip address that you can use to surf the web in freedom. Your real ip address can't be attained by spamers etc etc and leaves no trace of you even being on the web.

This is totally free. You will have to access the details from my www site as I don't want to post the link on these boards. It's on the first page in the middle somewhere. And don't worry, my 'site' was just something I knocked up to see if I could do it. You won't have to buy anything.

Use it for free, it won't cost you a dime/penny/ etc. There is an option to upgrade if you want to, of which I DO get paid, but I'm not really expecting anyone to upgrade as the free version should cover most peoples needs.

Yup, if you google anonymous proxy there are loads of them, Anonymizer. was one of the first and most famous, you should however not be conned into the idea that you are truly anonymous, true anonymity does not exist on the web, and if your works IT department is up to speed, and they run a pro-active policy on stopping people surfing to dangerous sites they should have most of the well known ones filtered and be very interested in why you would want to use an anonymous proxy.
As to who knows what you're up to, under normal surfing your ISP knows where you visit, of course your ISP is a company in the business of providing Internet services, perhaps telecommunications etc, you know who they are and in a lot of cases what they are about, under the use of a proxy you simply change who knows, from your ISP to the company hosting the proxy, now they know where you go, and you likely know very little about them.
A lot of these so called "anonymizer sites" are hosted by ad companies, so I would say be sure you know who you are dealing with.