Psychology Stretching Life to the Next Level of Success

Our neurological system is comfortable with our habitual behavior patterns and will support us with that status quo. So if you are losing, winning or leveled out with consistent profits but not growing, you are very likely to stay in that situation unless you are willing to do what is necessary to stretch. Most people who want to increase their performance are willing to read a book or go to a seminar, but not willing to consistently follow through on what they have learned over the long haul. The question is, what does it take to stretch, and are you seriously willing to make that commitment? If you are not, then expect the same results. If you are, then get ready to take a ride on a trip to the next level of success where, in six months, you will be at your next launching point.

How many of you would like to reach the next level of success in Trading?

The fact is most of you have been high achievers in your life. But now that you have reached and perhaps maintained a level of success in your trading over a period of time are you willing to do what it takes to reach your next level of success? Most people are not, because they are comfortable with the status quo, they don't want to take on any additional risk or responsibility, or they are too lazy to do what is necessary to add new resources.

I was working with a floor trader, whose name is Bill. He was afraid of electronic trading, but knew that if he did not start to transition off the floor he would not be able to maintain his present life style. His monthly bills were fifteen thousand. With his wife enjoying her country clubs and charity work and his three children in private schools, he felt a tremendous pressure to do something fast.

Bill was a "dees-dems and dose guy" with a raspy voice and a limited vocabulary. He was raised in a rough neighborhood in the Bronx. His two older brothers had blue-collar jobs and so did all of his cousins. In fact, he was the only one of his friends that was able to rise out of a limiting mentality and rise to the top of the financial world. He left school in the tenth grade, but managed later to get a high school degree. One day a professional basketball player who he was shooting hoops with made him dream beyond the projects. He introduced Bill to a friend who was a trader and that introduction led to an opportunity in the markets. Bill became a runner at the New York Mercantile Exchange. From there it took him twenty years to become one of the best traders in the pit. He literally failed his way to success.

He came to one of the workshops that I was presenting at a conference. He confided to me about his fear of the future. Fortunately, his son taught him how to use the computer and he had read enough books on trading and technical analysis to give him a base to start in electronic trading. Bill said that he knew he could make money, but was afraid he would not be able to make the same kind of money as he was used to.

We started by eliminating the issues and the conflicts in his life that would keep him from believing that he wasn't capable of mastering electronic trading. Then I worked with him on the following model:

Steps to achieve the next level of success:

  1. Focus on what you specifically want.
    In his case he knew that he wanted to trade the same commodity in the same time frame.
  2. Plan how to achieve it.
  • Resources - skills, abilities, education
    He needed additional information on how to build the technical part of trading, so I introduced him to a trading coach
  • Time, energy, money, risk
    In Bill's case the money and risk were not an issue but the energy and time was. I worked with him on how to increase his energy. He was going to have to trade less on the floor for a while, so we worked on him making more in less time.
  • Contingencies
    Bill's biggest fear was that he would have to trade full time electronically before he was ready. I made him realize that he had been in training all of his trading life and just had to know how to transfer his training. Listing everything that could go wrong and right with the best possible outcome increased his confidence for the future.
  • Specific goals - tasks, and time frame
    Bill was a goal setter, but found that writing them down with specific time limits made his way easier.
  • Who will be affected, and is it worth the price of how it will affect them?
    This part was the most difficult. Bill's family was used to seeing a lot of him in the evenings. He sat his family down and asked for their support and he got it. But this didn't mean that he did not have a difficult time missing the family part of his life.
  • Consider how will your life change after you achieve your new level of success. Will you be able to handle the new responsibilities and the new challenges as a result of attaining this stretch?
    In Bill's case he learned to trade with more risk and less time on the floor. This gave him more time for working behind the computer. He loved the fact that he finally felt smart. With all the money he earned he never felt that way before.
  • Will you leave enough room for your creative process to flourish?
    The process of working with Bill to become successful at electronic trading took almost a year. I felt that it was important that he did not exhaust himself as so many traders do when they try to make this transition. He was able to utilize his energy wisely, so his intuitive skills would work both on and off the floor.
3.Write an overview of your life's commitments and what you are willing to change, give up or delegate to make your new level of success attainable.

In this area, I made sure that Bill would use his time effectively by hiring the best
people along the way so he could enjoy his transition more in the shortest amount of time. Bill's life was full before having to commit the time to learning a new way of trading, but his passion and need were greater. We just had to eliminate the fear for this passion to motivate him to achieve his goal.

4. It is important to have the significant people in your life be on board to support you in the changes you will make that affect them.

While his family said that they would be supportive there were many disappointments along the way with each of them when he was not able to do the things they used to enjoy as a family.

5. Mentally rehearse the actions you will have to take in order for your neurological system to support you in these changes. See yourself enjoying the process.

Bill said to me that mentally rehearsing himself already achieving his goal was the main thing that kept him going when the going got rough.

6. Intentionally direct your thoughts during the day and your dreams at night on your goal to create the passion necessary to get you through the more challenging days.

Bill's dream is what helped his family to continue to support him.

7. Do what is necessary to create more vital energy, so that you will be able to handle the added stress.

All along the way Bill learned that everything he took into his body, mind and spirit was measured and directed for him to be the ultimate energy machine.

8. Align with people who are willing and enjoy assisting you.

While Bill always felt the competition between other traders, he finally learned that there are many people who enjoy giving and sharing. He knows now that having people assist him made his way easier and more enjoyable.

9. Reward yourself along the way.

Bill's reward before I started working with him was always about providing the best life for his family. He finally learned that he had rewards that he could enjoy just for himself, such as connecting with old friends and doing charity work with children.

10. Be a better person.

While Bill was always ready to share in his personal life, he now finds it enjoyable to help other traders who are going through the same struggles he went through.
Now, I want to ask the question again. How many of you are willing to do what is necessary to get to the next level of success? If you are not, then enjoy what you have, if you are, then start now.
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some1 is offering a kind of course "how to succeed in (let s call it something ...")
this offer is exactly the way "how to succeed"
the participants of this course are the creditors.
the amount of creditors in time is the measuring scale of his success.

that s poor. scientology is based on this
pssonice said:
some1 is offering a kind of course "how to succeed in (let s call it something ...")
this offer is exactly the way "how to succeed"
the participants of this course are the creditors.
the amount of creditors in time is the measuring scale of his success.

that s poor. scientology is based on this

The NLP bandwagon trundles along until the next money spinner.

However much one spends on courses/seminars/shrinks etc. you still have to take responsibility for your own actions and face up to your own inner demons.

Who is the best person to do this? YOU. Props and diversions will just prolong the process.

Simple really. Bit like quitting the fags/booze/drugs. Same with quitting being a loser.

Once the sincere intention to change is there.

It's easy.

In other words, your creditors are people to whom you owe money

i.e. scientology is offering courses. you have to pay for this course in hope u will succeed. U WONT.
scientology will succeed.

i.e I m offering realtime entries because I m able to succeed in realtime trading.
U can participate.
I m not a creditor while offering a way how u can succeed.
pssonice said:
i.e. scientology is offering courses. you have to pay for this course in hope u will succeed. U WONT.
scientology will succeed.

i.e I m offering realtime entries because I m able to succeed in realtime trading.
U can participate.
I m not a creditor while offering a way how u can succeed.

If running "how" are a surefire way to make money - why are guys like you not running courses ? I'm sure you can offer REAL benefits that others might not ... :!:

Just curious... 😉
Whether commercial or not I think the article is ok.
No harm in reminding people periodically that they can move on and up if they choose to and if they and their dependants/supporters are willing to bear the consequences of commitment to a new goal.

Otherwise, as the saying goes "If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got".

I always like to read stuff from Adrienne - good informative article, nothing rocket science here, but it is the basic stuff that makes a winner - and how to change the mindset! - Nice to be reminded. Thanks Adrienne
It's easy to talk about better trading , but just how profitable was this guy , electronic trading has very little to do with standing in a pit , one peice of anecdotal evidence is not enough , she might just have well have said if you want to do better try harder!!
Support from family is extremely important. It's amazing how it is rarely brought up or talked about. Without support or the understanding, most would never accomplish their goals.
Depth Trade said:
Support from family is extremely important. It's amazing how it is rarely brought up or talked about. Without support or the understanding, most would never accomplish their goals.

DT - great post! probably ONE of the most important factor in success/failure as a trader. My family always thought that I am a gambler and that I am unemployed and not contributing! But what they simply do not understand is that the traders are the powerhouse of the economy! - without the traders the economu come sto teh standstill!

Agree with you DT, family support can make a trader! - very rarely we see this covered in a psychology of trading!
Gad, this woman drones on about fringe elements. I don't want self-hypnosis, life choices and NLP. I want a statistically viable trading edge and sounds money management.