Strange Question?


Legendary member
I may just be having 'one of those days', but I'm struggling with a knowledge 'outage'.

Something I'm really sure I was fundamentally aware of, but now seem not so sure.

When a CLOSE or OPEN price is posted for any instrument, is it the Ask, Bid, Mid or last trade price (for that timeframe) that's used - or is it data vendor dependent?
A senior moment, I am an expert on those.

Dont know the answer for certain, but on Yahoo (my feed) it is the deal price. Bid and ask are also available but as separate numbers


TheBramble said:
I may just be having 'one of those days', but I'm struggling with a knowledge 'outage'.

Something I'm really sure I was fundamentally aware of, but now seem not so sure.

When a CLOSE or OPEN price is posted for any instrument, is it the Ask, Bid, Mid or last trade price (for that timeframe) that's used - or is it data vendor dependent?