Spread vs. index


Senior member
I am interested to know what the stock market experts here would see as best value in terms of spreading a particular sector against an index at the current time.
Well, OK, I ask another way. Any thoughts regarding short Index long Utillities?
Stockcharts.com have this thing called a PerfChart. There is a standard one for S&P sectors vs the S&P cash. That may help, but its for US only. Sort of interesting to see the affects of sector rotation over time.
Thanks BBB. Really interested in EU right now tho.
I have an idea that getting long EU utilities and short stock index will pay well over the next 2 years. If you look at what effect the introduction of CO2 emission credits into the generation market will have on power companies it becomes clear that it will lead to windfall profits for all of them. The Swiss ones will be the biggest beneficiaries actually. I suspect it will add around 10Eur to the wholesale price of Power. It will happen starting 2005 if the EC gets their act together with respect to allocation of credits and potential export issues.
I already have this trade on and cannot think of a reason why it could go horribly wrong. Was hoping somebody could point me to a potential doom/gloom scenario to stop me getting silly about it.