Some advice needed


Established member
Right I thought I had it all planned out but no, I left a trade on over the weekend with a limit order, and a stop. This was the trade I was talking about earlyer if any of you read that? My stop on the aud/jpy was 100.45, the low of today using pro real time (I think this is really good) is 100.49- close I know but 4 pips is 4 pips. I trade using Igindex and the low of the day was near the open at 100.42 so I got stopped out on the open. Now I know they can never be the same as they will very likely use different data feeds but what I feel is more important is to trade using a platform that opens and closes at the same time as pro real time. Ig opened about 2 hours earlyer and so it had a lower price. This does matter because all my back testing was based on the prices pro real time offered. Why would they open at differnt times? My question is does anyone know of a platform that will fit my needs?

Unfortunately, we are at the mercy of the platform provider. If they want to close for early or for a Holiday, or whatever, they can, but the real Forex market opens at 2 pm EST on Sunday (for Austrailia) and closes 5 pm Friday. So, the market is open for a few hours that Retail Platform is not. I am not sure about any platform that extends past 5 pm Sunday - 5 pm Friday. Sorry.
A suggestion, if you are going to hold positions over the weekend, cut the position in half and move the stop way down, you are at the mercy of the tradign desk.