Sign this petition immediately!

From a contrarian viewpoint..... there HAS to be an election next year. And waiting until then would mean that this expenses business would have blown over a bit and it wouldn't be such a landslide for the Tories. Giving any party such a powerful majority could be very damaging....
On the other hand, did you ever start your own party Dave?
Done it. Speaking as an X bookmaker, 80/1 about the lib dems looks amazing value.If this sort of political enviromnet happened 80 times the lib dems would surely win a few. They only need an increase of about 15% of electorate to win an election.They were 250 on Betfair. im seriously thinking of putting a large lump on and then laying it off again.Its a great R/Reward ration
Nah, 80/1 ain't great value imo, 250 is though.

I have quite a few positions on various political markets on betfair (they can be a right bugger, you have to feed in size very slowly... there are often also lots of arb opportunities still but the potential profits don't really make it worth it... I'm very interested in this new Line betting market as well, well worth looking at if you ask me) this is reasonably representative of my current way of thinking:

Hmmm what do you think will cuase an early election,theres no point in Labour calling for it and they cant really be forced at the moment. Can a petition make that much difference......quite possibly
I think the queen will dissolve parliament if it stops functioning (which is quite possible)
Can a petition make that much difference......quite possibly
Not a chance. The incumbent government has a legally enforceable mandate from the people of this country, provided through democratic process, to govern. There is absolutely no chance a bit of opportunistic mud-slinging (and who could begrudge them the opportunity) by the Tories could induce current government to hold an early election. The only person who can dissolve parliament is HM Queen and only that at the request of Gordo. Not likely. Ain’t gonna happen.

Arabian, you need to green up your possie – pronto.
as bramble said she would need to be asked to by gordo..

the queen basically has no power at all
A petition with enough signatures would have to be taken note of by any democracy.If he ignored say 5m signatures could do the trick.I think its a clever move by Cameron