Should I go for Broker with Low Spread or with Bonus?

Always put quality first instead of attraction, as quality last forever but attraction is just temporary.
Hi all,

I'm searching for brokers and not sure who to use after Alpari, MF Global, Tradenext & CWM event.


Go for one that will still be solvent in a few years time - assuming you are :smart:

Maybe, especially for newbies of forex. Bonus and low spread could help them manage their funds. there are some brokers that offer no deposit bonus, Bonus that you can use as your capital.
To be honest bonus does not matter, low spreads don't really exist as there is always a hidden mark up when you close the trade. So I say just focus on how you can get around them.
Brokers with lowest spreads can be shortlisted while selecting a broker however bonuses can be tricky and they cannot be the only aspect to be considered while choosing a decent broker.
Has anybody seen a Equity or Futures broker offering Bonus? if not wonder why?
( I am talking about any "Bonus" which adds to actual trading capital not towards free brokerage)

Because these Exchange brokers who purely facilitate exchange traded products do not PLAY with spread. They charge very transparent "Brokerage" in true seance the "Spread" is what the market decided The price you see is what the entire planet can see and trade, WITH OTC FX and specially with Market Maker types there is no WAY one can Question a Price or the spread because simply there is no central market .. and because of this they can afford to offer such things... That is why you see Bookmakers offering all sort of Bonuses because you are playing against them and they no in long run they know they are likely to win... Many people get smitten by all this Free this free that but if that means taking a counter party risk as mentioned by NVP then one should ask oneself are these so called bonuses worth it! Many people don;t even know what Market Maker model of a OTC brokerage is,, please for your own safety read up