My origional review for the book was as follows...
"This is a contemporary, actually used and ready to trade system, clearly explained and illustrated, ready to use straight out of the box. Simple; no waffle, no messing. "
Unfortunately, it happened to be for a plagiarised version of the book sold by someone else as their own work. Having discovered this, I thought it only fair to cut and paste my amazon review here instead !
David Graeme-smith's book is after all, still going, and seems to have a supported forum site and software to support it, so it is probably worth a go if you are new and want some help in getting to grips with a trading system as part of your learning curve. ( if a newbie, just realise that it is not any particular polished system that will help you, only yourself and your experience, but that you will just have to go through what the rest of us have, to really get it ! ).