sharescope data into metastock


Hi all,
can some kind soul tell me how i can use my sharescope data to feed into metastock EOD :?:

Any help apreciated
Bring up a list of instruments, eg FTSE 100
Export list to prn file
Use Metastock Downloader to convert the prn file to metastock.

Thanks for replies Levll & Zambuk, however as i am a metastock "virgin" :cheesy: could you expand a little on you're advice ?

Ta very much
Still not getting anywhere with it. :|
Any more pointers from anyone ?
Is there software that will automatically feed data from one to the other when the daily update is done ?

Would it be easier to subscribe to a data vendor ?

Thanks A
Still not getting anywhere with it.

The process really is as simple as I earlier described.

Best if you explain what you are doing and what conversion software you are using then may be able to help
Did as you said ( but took me about a million attempts to get that bit right :LOL: )

Am on metastock 9.1 eod with the built in downloader/converter.

Okay, eventually created the export list from sharescope, then got the downloader to convert it, the report was all green ticks but.......when i look to open the data in metastock , it don't find it :confused:
When i go back and check the downloader for latest conversions it's all there.....all green ticks.

I suspect it's something to do with "creating a new security" which i find i can't get my head around :rolleyes:

You're input greatly appreciated.

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I use an older version of MS but this should work.

Click file/open
click local data
go to your data directory in the drop down bok
click on the security you want
click open
Voila ( I hope)
Hi Lev,
am in work now so don't have the program to refer to, but i reckon what you have said is what i do.

When i converted the data last night i sent it to a folder in metastock that i had called ftse100 but when i do as you suggested ,which by the way is more or less what the manual says,i click on the folder/security ? and nothing.................again as i am in work this is from memory.

Will keep at it over the w/e as i still suspect it's something to do with the "create security" bit that i'mnot getting . Have only had the program a couple of days and while most of it looks fairly straight forward ie point and click, there are aspects of it that are difficult to get to grips with.Anyway early days yet.

Thanks for you're thoughts/ suggestions, they are very welcome and much appreciated and, as you're first pointer about the data export was spot on, most certainly right!!!

:D :D :D :D :D EUREKA !

Don't quite know the exact steps i took / changed but had another go and changed the export file name in sharescope--the converter found it (or i told it correct info)--aaaaaand---metastock found and opened the file :D
However the charts did not display the open/high/low and volume so--back into sharescope, fiddled with the export options, did the export and conversion again and..............VIOLA

now showing updated charts with correct o/h/l/c/v.

Was going to watch a bit of telly but i might have to play with new software instead :LOL:

Ta very much Lev & Zambuk