Sector advice please

Hi, sorry if this question is a bit basic but I would like to know how I can find out how a sector is doing. I have looked at a few sites and I see there are heat maps but from what I have seen the heat maps seem to only show what is going on that day.

Is there a way that I could look at a heat map or similar and compare sectors so that I could see easily, that for the last month oil stocks wer doing badly and pharmaceuticals were doing well etc so that I could more easily spot the current trend of a sector?

Looking at a day heat map seems to tell you very little as it could be a very bad or good day and effect everything.

Any advice or help appreciated.
Sorry I should have said I am in UK so need one that does UK shares but I think that one is for USA shares.

Of course I am assuming heat maps are the best way to check recent sector status, but maybe there are other ways to find out this information easily. Heat maps look like a quick simple way to see this information if they can display a period,the last month for example.
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