Scalping and Wealth Building


Hi all, I am based in the UK and have been investing in stocks and shares for decades. I have been trading FX for 5 years on 1m 15m 30m and 4hr. I have tried umpteen brokers and finally settled on a professional/institutional quality broker that allows me to scalp on an A book model. Looking forward to learning from this forum.
Well that got a few hits! Not!
Seriously StuUK, I've read a few of your posts and agree with you.
I'm also interested in the pro institutional broker you mentioned that allows you scalp on an 'A Book mode'.
Care to elaborate? Perhaps we can have a chat as I teach trading (not full time yet, but when I retire next year I will).
Best regards, VT
Scalping and wealth building rarely go in the same sentence.
OK, I agree it's possible to scalp successfully... not easy but possible.