I've been using IB with Bracket trader, trading about 3 contracts on the in. Usually look for about a ten point stop-loss place or less if possible, sometimes it's a little more. I will add an extra one or two contracts if price comes close down to stop, but still keep same stop !! I scale out starting with about 5 point profit then start moving the stop tighter, bar/pivot lows/highs etc. I try to always keep one contract in for those bigger moves. Though if price just seems to stall I will unload and maybe just keep one contract on. Pretty much I guess it follows Mark Douglas's idea of taking a little profit yet still being in for the big moves- so far it seems to work, guess we'll see after a few more months.
I know and I've tried it alot of people say adding to a loser is a big no, no, but as long as I keep the first stop I've convinced myself it's ok. Especially if I can get in within a couple of points of my stop-loss, I figure I'm risking a couple of points for 5 or more. again my original stop is placed at support or resistance, why not get a good price.
I'm sure I'll hear arguments against this practice, that's ok. I'm all for trying to become better.
Just so you know I'm still not making a big living at this (slowly scratchin by), but I am trading real money and still trading - do not want to give the impression it's the right thing to do. So far it seems to work for me.
With IB the unbundled price for me comes out at either $1.92 or $1.67 (if i over-trade
each way. Does anybody use a cheaper broker ? I know some offer less but then you have to use X-trader or something at over $500 a month. So far it doesn't seem to look overall cheaper to me.
p.s. Does anybody know how to place a limit order to add to a position, once your already in a trade with bracket trader ? Or do I just by-pass Bracket trader and place it directly on TWS ? I hate to add at buy the bid/sell the offer when adding to a position, seems I'm never quick enough to catch those quick little spikes and end up with a couple of extra point slippage:-(