Mr. Charts said:
Do you not realise that hand sanding requires calories from carbohydrates which may have been imported from abroad, thus creating a bigger carbon footprint and ruining the planet even more effectively than the chocolate box images of overdrawn mono-dimensional Pre- Rafs ever could?
And if you are going to use a power sander - OMG, you destroyer of worlds, you.
You got three tenners for a DVD of Two Little Boys by Rolf Harris? They say there's a price for everything on ebay, but that's crazy.
Now, trendie,
I disagree with SOC about traders being born, not made ( I don't disagree with him about anything about trading itself actually and he is a cracking good trader). Traders can be one or the other or both in my opinion. Just as price can go up, down or sideways or all three simultaneously.
Seriously when bids and/or asks are pulled raised or reduced without trades printing off, what would you say the price was doing? C Ye O F what I mean? That is the Truth of it. A Fact as I tell no lies. Ever.
This is because I know nothing of anything, so how can I ever lie? I ask ye, all of ye, this but as my Ukranian Tractor friend says, he who harvests must separate the wheat from the chaff all akross the planes (and they are ruining the sky with their e-mission statements) of the Cor-Cor-Sus and since none of ye are true harvesters of the market how can ye know anything, much less than my knowing of nothingness.
This is true and nothing ye say can change these Truths which were first written eons ago in the wholey books of Brian whilst he lived up a Mountagne in the deepest Dordogne near the caves of Lasca whence all Truth was painted upon its walls. Let no monkeys tell you otherwise - and there are indeed Hey Hey We're The Monkees on this sight where I see...........oh what do I see? are all trying to confuse me with my $400,000 with the Water Margin needed to trade my $25k
These are indeed water chestnuts I give unto ye.
Kung Hay Fat Choy a few days late to all my Chinese friends........sorry I haven't quite got my timing of events quite rite yet but no more Monkees for is now the year of the Pig and I must move on to conquer a new pig sty.........
I thank you for letting me teach you these Truths. Dow with them as thou wilst.