Agree – what’s your target?twalker said:Looks like it is good to be short here.
Anybody disagree?
Hi thirteen, thanx for you reply,I have had live data before from e-signal, but the price was high, around $200.00 or so a month, this was for the charting too,i am looking for a sight that you can log into and receive a live chart of the S+P with live feed, I asked the question if there was anyone else out there who does it for a bit less (suppose asking cuts out lots of time trawling through all sorts of sights)I do realise that cheapest isnt always the best,having said that this trading thing is never cheap especialy if you loose,what site could you reccomend to look atThirteen said:lamb chop - dont pay more than $16 for an emini feed. the price is set by the exchange. dont go for qcharts as this is 4 ameturs and you will lose more money from bad data than you will save from going with a better package -he who pays cheap pays twice having said that sierra and quotetracker are said to be ok and free - you just cough up 4 the data elsewhere.
twlker - ride 'em cowboy!
its gunna rocket soon though - but probably not till the us election for chief clown is over