Risk Managment Calculator


Junior member
Hopefully helpful in calculating the correct position size


  • riskmgr.zip
    480 bytes · Views: 58

There is nothing in the zip file I can open. What program does it require?

Open or save if to the required folder some time will default to temp then double click on this file, save this to say desktop or drag it to desktop for convenience then open it
could also be you may need win zip depending on your operating system i have opened it from the t2 win site no problem if you continue having problems send me your e- mail address
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I have followed your instructions and when the file inside the zipped file is saved to desktop and you click on it I get a message saying searching for a suitable program to run it. Can you let us know what the link is to ? or which program it runs ?

Paul Ian levell II ,

Sorry about this have opened it from both computers i can only assume you need to unzip the compressed file with winzip ? i have sent an e-mail to my other computer and this also opened i have no down loadable link, but took it from my existing saved documents before posting
made sure i could open this from the BB if you know of another way i will try but other than this i am sorry
will be in the room later on in the day

I also used Winzip and extracted the file but still get the same message. Can I ask what program the file relates to ?

The room wil be closed today as there is no trading.

Hopefully this might do it otherwise will have to give up
follow same procedure as above this is the setup file so it should work now?


Risk Manager helps you to manage the risk from any one trade. You may risk any percentage of your Total Account Value that you deem acceptable for your risk tolerance.

Allowable Risk % is a percentage of your Total Account Value and can be any decimal number from .01 to 100. (example: 2.5)..

Use the Tab key to tab between the following fields:

Enter the total value of your trading account in the Total Acct Value field.
(decimal value only)
Note: DO NOT enter the $ sign or commas in this field.

Enter the Allowable Risk % or tab to accept the default value of 2%.
Note: DO NOT enter the % sign in this field.

Enter the Share Price you are thinking of paying for this trade.
Note: Share Price can be entered as decimal or fraction.

Enter the Points to Risk for this trade. Points to Risk is the number of points you are willing to risk on the downside for this trade. (example: 2.5 or 2 1/2) This should be used to set your stop loss.
Note: Downside can be entered as decimal or fraction.

Press the CALC button to calculate the maximum number of Shares to Purchase for this trade. The Total Amount and Amount Risked are also calculated for you.

this is not the same method as Grey1 has talked about in the chat room pair trading but just thought it may be of use .


  • rmsetuprlr.zip
    215.6 KB · Views: 49
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