Risk and forex trading

roberk said:
3.have you ever traded Futures? The speed of fill is instantaneous on Globex(ok it takes 160ms because I live in japan.) Forex is so slow it is embarrasing - and I have accounts with several shops.

4.)Every platform I have used on futures offers OCO and even the cheap ones like Button trader or Ninja trader are incomparably superior to anything out in forex shop land.

The answer to your first question is yes I do trade futures and fx. I know Globex is instantaneous. But my post related specifically to traditional open out cry commodity futures. I mentioned in my post that this doesn't apply to e-contracts. As for fx fill speed I don't find it slow at all, thats a personal thing. Thanks for the info in the rest of your post.

Which forex broker do you use for your trading?

Which broker is now appearing to be the favourite of forex traders (or the one less criticised)?


I use Oanda, I used to use GFT. I don't have a bad word to say about either.
I'm not sure who is in favour at the mo. again it is purely personal, one person says XYZ are great and the next will say they are rubbish, so dificult to comment. But I think the older establishment of the CMC;s GFT's, FXCM's will always be in favour.

Hard to think where the next big innovation in Forex will come from and what it might be to bring a new player to the front., It would be interesting to hear what some of the other members think the next big thing in FX may be. Any thoughts guys.
Point taken GJ on the weekends, what you say is indeed true. Once a week is better than 5 times a week. I do think with the way e-futures are going there will be very few market gaps in those markets in the months and years to come.

Took me about a year of trading with Oanda to find out orders can be entered and executed right there during the weekend as if it were a normal week day. The spread is wide 10 pips and static. I suppose on a regular weekend, no probs, but if something decisive happened over the weekend I am sure they would just widen the spread drematically to cover them self or halt the ability to trade due to exceptional circumstances.