Title: Reverse_v5D
Currency Pair: GBP/USD
Timeframe: H1
Compatibility: Only MT4
Reverse EA has the following minimum deposit requirements:
– Safe mode $3000 ($300 for micro and $30 for cent accounts)
– Normal mode $2000 ($200 for micro and $20 for cent accounts)
– Aggressive mode $1000 ($100 for micro and $10 for cent accounts)
Currency Pair: GBP/USD
Timeframe: H1
Compatibility: Only MT4
Reverse EA has the following minimum deposit requirements:
– Safe mode $3000 ($300 for micro and $30 for cent accounts)
– Normal mode $2000 ($200 for micro and $20 for cent accounts)
– Aggressive mode $1000 ($100 for micro and $10 for cent accounts)