Reasons not to use Mirus Futures, Rosenthal Collins Group

...I demo'd IB too, and it was much slower - also connected to US servers (110ms) However, it's quite a different platform and demos aren't necessarily good for testing speed. I also understand that you'd normally be connected to a European server (I think in Switzerland)

Did you use IB`s demo data feed or the papertrading datafeed? The demo is just an artificial setup without real relevance. Regarding the servers you can setup, which one you prefer.

Previous posters have been positive about Mirus and they were recommended to me by my mentor as well. Haven't switched yet as I'm still trying to find a European/UK based broker. Only one I've come up with in the UK so far has been BFL but they are still more than double the price than what I currently pay. For example, for the DJ Euro Stoxx 50 BFL quoted me €5.50 round turn, my current broker is €2.40 round turn. These are the sort of rates our own European/UK brokers should be offering yet they still seem happy to loose business to the US. I put it down now to either arrogance, disdain, or a complete lack of interest for the average retail trader.

Maybe you should try whexpert of Luxemburg. Good reputable bank owned firm with futures accounts available as well as a white label version of GFT-UK cfds. And VVVVERY helpful for newbies, trading by phone without additional charge!


Did you use IB`s demo data feed or the papertrading datafeed? The demo is just an artificial setup without real relevance. Regarding the servers you can setup, which one you prefer.


The demo data feed I assume. It says ibdemo in the connection. I don't see where you can set up the server.
You`re a bit unpolite, aren`t you?



On the contary, I'm not at all impolite. I just raised a few problems about IB a while ago (problems I had never seen with any other broker, ever) and IB customers started being rude and aggressive. Obviously they cannot take constructive critisism. They started shouting abuse at me and ignored my valid points. I know so many people who have had the same problems with IB as I have found.

The demo data feed I assume. It says ibdemo in the connection. I don't see where you can set up the server.

Xeno, have you looked at Amp Futures as well? Seem to be very similar to Mirus, but even cheaper. What do you think? Also, what do you think of RCG? cheers
Okay, so I choose RCG, I get some very good commission rates. Then I checked out their history on NFA and they have an alarming number of fines and cases against them etc. They have more than any other brokerage and I tried very small firms and large ones too. Do they have a bad reputation? Based on this information, should I decide against them or is this being presumptuous?
Okay, so I choose RCG, I get some very good commission rates. Then I checked out their history on NFA and they have an alarming number of fines and cases against them etc. They have more than any other brokerage and I tried very small firms and large ones too. Do they have a bad reputation? Based on this information, should I decide against them or is this being presumptuous?
Thanks for asking this question. From IB I am considering to move to Mirus/RCG as well but this worries me seriously.
Thanks for asking this question. From IB I am considering to move to Mirus/RCG as well but this worries me seriously.

What do you think? Have you searched for RCG on the NFA site? It doesn't show a pretty picture does it?. I'm really disappointed because I could potentially have everything I want through RCG, so part of me thinks I should just ignore the NFA website. However, what's the point of people being able to access such history and information if they don't act on it? It's like saying 'oh that company has a much worse record than I thought, but I'll still go with them'. I quizzed RCG on my NFA search findings and they said this amount of complaints was normal for a FCM of their size. So I searched other large FCMs/brokerages (all the usuals) and even smaller introducing brokers,but most had very clean histories. Even the worst one I could find only had a few penalties and legal cases, compared with a huge amount at RCG. Any help or thoughts from you guys would be much appreciated.
Xeno, have you looked at Amp Futures as well? Seem to be very similar to Mirus, but even cheaper. What do you think? Also, what do you think of RCG? cheers

I did have a look at them. I'm not that bothered about smallish differences in fees. There's not much in it, but Mirus had the edge for me solely on recommendations and I also get the impression they work closer with Ninja. The relationship between Ninja and the broker is important for fixes, syncing etc.

Regarding RCG, you also have the choice of Dorman. Mirus apparently will advise you if you want. I think some contracts work better with some clearers, although to be honest I would expect near perfect service from clearers these days, but I suppose you don't get it.

I think I might just have to give it a try to see what it's really like.
As far as I can see no one is using RCG over here?
Maybe Dorman Trading is the better choice then.
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Having looked into it further RCG are fine, it's just a huge FCM and so is bound to attract some attention. Most cases against it were old and dismissed anyway. So I'm going with them because they've offered me the best rates and service.
I have a Mirus+RCG account since August 2008, so far no problems and I have no complain, but I don't know if others have any negative experience. I traded actively for 4 months, then was not trading until this month when I stared to trade again, they have no problem with my lack of active trading for more than 6 months, and didn't require me to maintain the minimum initial account balance ($2000 was required initially to open the account), I only keep a couple of hundred dollars in the account when I was inactive, I didn't want to close the account since I know I would be back to active trading this time and all is well.
I have had discretionary accounts with
- OEC via IB's - ATC / Daniels / TradeCenterPro.
- Dorman via Mirus & AMP
- IB
And Autotrading accounts with Dorman, OEC and Robbins.

Both Mirus (Dorman) and Daniels (OEC) hold my discretionary accounts currently. Both have had acceptable execution and fills. Other than Oct 2008 (when the market went nuts), both have been able to handle order flow and DOM speed and execution very well.

Dorman's statements are not as intuitive as OEC's, but the ZF data feed from Mirus/Dorman alliance into NT beats OEC's data feed cleanly.

In fact, on CBOT data ZF feed beats eSignal data. Not an misprint (eSignal is overrated IMHO). Of course as an execution platform NT itself is no great shakes.

Volume orders on Mirus gave me better RT rates. But lower volume activity is cheaper on OEC. AMP was actually more than Mirus.

OEC's on shiny feature is access to all markets and a very intuitive DOM and market screener with logical setups (NT are you listening?).

No reason to dislike Mirus at all especially while clearing through Dorman.
Okay, so I choose RCG, I get some very good commission rates. Then I checked out their history on NFA and they have an alarming number of fines and cases against them etc. They have more than any other brokerage and I tried very small firms and large ones too. Do they have a bad reputation? Based on this information, should I decide against them or is this being presumptuous?

Will u share ur good rates with us?