Quick question

All the information you need to trade is in a graph of price - true or false?

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"All the information you need to trade is in a graph of price"


(please say what you mean a bit)
btw I suppose you can also throw an economic calendar in, and the execution stuff (like contract size etc).

Really what I mean is is the entirety of your trading decision made from a graph and avoiding the FOMC?
Pete's a fine dude. He trained his parrot to trade for him and for that, I have much respect.

You can't deny the question might be a little bit loaded non? Un petit peu?
I dont like that guy, he talks to me like I'm an idiot and an asshole.

You are just misinformed about some things.
But you talk to everyone else the same way you accuse me of . Your way of trading is not the only way there is.

Pete's a fine dude. He trained his parrot to trade for him and for that, I have much respect.

You can't deny the question might be a little bit loaded non? Un petit peu?

The question is only loaded when you cast your own aspersions over what my reaction might be, n'est-ce pas?
It's one of those subjects that reflects trading being a broad church. Some people just do charts. Me, charts are a big piece but not all of it. Dash does it differently with little/no focus on charts.

So from a theoretical PoV, does a chart, being a representation of price tell you everything? Probably not. Does it tell you enough? Maybe it does. Is it best to use it in conjunction with other information that enriches your context? Yes if you are discretionary, no if you're not. What is discretionary? etc, etc...

Why can't everybody just be happy and get on?
It's one of those subjects that reflects trading being a broad church. Some people just do charts. Me, charts are a big piece but not all of it and tbh. Dash does it differently.

So from a theoretical PoV, does a chart, being a representation of price tell you everything? Probably not. Does it tell you enough? Maybe it does. Is it best to use it in conjunction with other information that enriches your context? Yes if you are discretionary, no if you're not. What is discretionary? etc, etc...

Why can't everybody just be happy and get on?

well hombre here is a link to the first of 2 posts i made today that made me think about doing a poll


(and read the one immediately after that too)

and this one as well


these posts are what made me want to do a poll. Im not saying graphs are useless, but IMHO they are complimentary, not a substitute.
I believe that they interviewed a fund manager not so long ago about his system once he retired after a successful career doing what he knew best :p

Apparently on the way to work each morning, he would decide to go long if the traffic lights were mainly green, short if they were red.

How do you like them apples?? :p

how many people agree with this

"All the information you need to trade is in a graph of price"


(please say what you mean a bit)
i argue that it's false with a big BUT

BUT, to argue it's false i've assumed only a weak form of the EMH which to me requires that it is false for stock prices excluding the really big stocks.

i argue that way because for the instruments that are traded by a larger group of people (think forex as opposed to penny stocks) the information is fully represented by the price. However for those little minnows that most traders don't even think about. The information is not fully disseminated by market participants so some form of fundamental analysis is advantageous.

kan haz MBA?
btw I suppose you can also throw an economic calendar in, and the execution stuff (like contract size etc).

Really what I mean is is the entirety of your trading decision made from a graph and avoiding the FOMC?

I use a graph but what led me to the graph? Something in the news, I suppose. ie everyone is talking about silver this week, every since Rogers made his comments. We are more influenced by the media than we realise.
well hombre here is a link to the first of 2 posts i made today that made me think about doing a poll


(and read the one immediately after that too)

and this one as well


these posts are what made me want to do a poll. Im not saying graphs are useless, but IMHO they are complimentary, not a substitute.

So amigo, I do agree with what you are saying in posts 10 & 11 in the first link - I think your view of the market is similar to mine - short term is volume/liquidity, long term is macroeconomic/value, in between the 2 is a blend.

One has to ask the question about appropriateness of the tool. Do you think a ladder is useful for a trend follower who operates off the daily? Does the ladder tell them anything else they need to know for their strategy? I suspect not.

Conversely would some like you who is 'in and out' quicker and more frequently than an an excited Jack Russell get some value out of a weekly? Maybe to provide some small context whether you are pro/contra trend on a higher TF but it's largely moot I reckon - correct me if I'm wrong btw.

What I find peculiar about this whole shebang is a dogmatic view often held by people that there is only a single way to skin this cat, and frequently this way is their way. I do find the ferocity of expression of 'correctness' borders on the slightly psychotic.

That aside, the poll will generate answers that once again do not consider context.

So my answer is that candles are mint and only w@nkers use the ladder. :p

Incidentally I'd forgotten about that George Bush clip - always makes me laugh.
Hell, you don't need anything bar a button to buy to "trade". Now if you're wanting to make a profit, now that's a different matter.

Personally I think there are a vast number of ways to make money. Purely TA can work, no TA at all can work , etc etc, pick your poison.