Do those cars come with a volume control? If you had one, you would probably keep the price on the windscreen. I wouldn’t because I’m a refined and sophisticated gentleman.
Grant, cars are a bit like markets aren't they.
You can do the best analysis before wetting your toes, expecting that only a certain sort of person will be driving a certain car, or, expecting that because of your analytical skills, the market will just
have to rise now, and I mean
right now.
You've done your homework, when, out of the blue, shoving his sat phone into his pocket while he laboriously descends into his drive, you see Mickey Scissorhands, Da-Baddest Gangsta-on-Da-Block, with his footballer-wife girlfriend, jumping into
your car of preference...
Or, cruising along,
you're getting ready to get on
your sat phone to buy ten thousand Bunds because they've just broken out of your resistance level, but, you've just entered your order, when, Bingo !, the Flipper decides it's a great moment to
sell 30 000 Bunds, which has the unfortunate side effect of making your perceived rock hard new resistance-has-turned-into-support level pretty irrelevant pretty quickly.
Anything can happen anytime, but the good thing is that that needn't worry one in the least.
In markets you just react to what's happening.
In cars you realise that it's exclusively about the
person getting in and out of the car at the moment, the car just
Mickey Scissorhands creaks his aching joints out of a Murci wearing trainers that barely manage to hide his gun holster and passersby will go, look, he needs that for his ego, whatwhat.
Contrast that with
you getting out of the same car (OK, should be coloured black, must admit), fittingly attired in the best of Savile Row, you'll have entire sidewalks filled with people dropping their jaws, salivating madly, gasping for breath, saying what a great new James Bond combo the two of you'd make, before breathlessly asking for your autograph
Special delivery for you, here's another recommendation for your garage, a very rare Zagato Aston Martin ;-)
Is that beautiful, or is that beautiful
Toys are fine, just like everything else in life is fine where you do what you enjoy doing and aren't harming anybody else, and where you don't make the mistake of seeing those activities as a helpful means to your end of happiness.
What's pretty important when you're defining what you want from life so you can set a course to get there, is the realisation that wealth, fame or power, or anything, for that matter, that's external and can disappear again, will
not make you happy over time.
NEW YORK - It's official: Money can't buy happiness.
Sure, if a person is handed $10, the pleasure centers of his brain light up as if he were given food, sex or drugs. But that initial rush does not translate into long-term pleasure for most people. Surveys have found virtually the same level of happiness between the very rich individuals on the Forbes 400 and the Maasai herdsman of East Africa. Lottery winners return to their previous level of happiness after five years. Increases in income just don't seem to make people happier--and most negative life experiences likewise have only a small impact on long-term satisfaction.
"The relationship between money and happiness is pretty darned small," says Peter Ubel, a professor of medicine at the University of Michigan."...
That said, happiness obviously cannot be a permanent state no matter what you do, as by definition the state of happiness necessitates a contrast, essentially meaning that every battery needs it's recharging periods.