Philippine Trading


Junior member
TRading has significantly improved in the Philippines. The problem, however, is that the country is often hit by calamities at its different part. There is the volcanic eruption, flash floods, typhoons, earthquakes, etc. Not only the equipment are destroyed, but also the systems, which connect the country from the other parts of the world. It is so unfortunate for the Filipinos, considering that the country is just starting its foot towards global competitiveness, that calamities seem not to cooperate. The Philippines, if not attacked by natural calamities, is attacked by political battles, insurgencies, and the likes.

REcently, the country was immersed in water (murky water at that), especially in its National CApital REgion, followed by its northern cities. In 2006, the northeastern part of the Philippines was also severly devastated by two consecutive typhoons, killing many constituents.

THis time, investors fear from such calamities that they are now having second thoughts of putting their money onto a business venture in the locality. BUt then, some traders still pursue, seeing the positive attitude of the Filipinos, as to risk-management.

Can Filipinos still make it to the global trading environment, when real problems arise from the political and social unrest of its constituents? How far can their optimism bring them?

Because trading does not only involve one party. It involves two - the trader and the market. Now, even if the trader is so positive, is so willing, and yet the market doesn't seem to care, what happens?