Options Trading Class


Anybody ever take a class for options trading to mainly learn about the ins and outs and refine your strategies?
Is it recommended? Is there a class that you took that you can recommend?

Is Options Trading recommended? I heard from some of my friends that options trading is gambling and we should not trade binary option, is it true?
Is Options Trading recommended? I heard from some of my friends that options trading is gambling and we should not trade binary option, is it true?
Big difference between binary options and other or genuine traded options. A binary option is something you trade or bet with against a financial bookmaker, he/she makes money by you losing your money. The real or other option market is a great place to trade as it is so flexible. You can use options to trade in a market that is going up, down, or sideways. There is a strategy for just about any market conditions. It doesn't matter whether you are risk adverse or prepared to take a more calculated risk, there is a strategy you can use.
Anybody ever take a class for options trading to mainly learn about the ins and outs and refine your strategies?
Is it recommended? Is there a class that you took that you can recommend?

I've done courses on swing trading and technical analysis which were really helpful. There is of course a lot of free information available on option trading, but I find if I pay for a course with my own money; I'm a lot more focused. A course on option spreads and finding your way round a option chain could be useful.
I suggest you take a look at this app called Mobile_Optionist and understand how options and Greeks work. This app has a fantastic module that is called "what if" where you can build scenarios for the market and see how your strategy is impacted and study how you could modify your position to improve your exposure.
You can find the app here:
Option seller here. Trading seriously since 2017 (but still have day time job). First profitable year 2019, sideways 2020, doing good in 2021 (fingers crossed / knocking on wood - still need day job).
If I were to make a suggestion, learn the basics / get a good foundation from FREE material first. I like Tastytrade (the "Where do I Start" series), Option Alpha's video tutorials and I've heard good things about "Blue Collar Investor". Once you get good with the basics and you have your psychology and risk management down you can learn really good stuff from lockinyoursuccess.com (good FREE stuff on youtube -or- paid courses) or tradingdominion.com (paid course). If you want try your hand at day trading there's good FREE info on 0 DTE trading on Facebook
Options trading is not recommended because it’s way too risky and in trading you must avoid such high risks.
Options trading is not recommended because it’s way too risky and in trading you must avoid such high risks.
This statement is total and utter nonsense. If you think that is the case then explain in detail why it is too risky?