I have traded options yes, but I was merely highlighting the fact that, compared to the interbank market, spreads in retail are considerably wider, making it harder to make any money. When you compare it to spot it's very noticeable (as most retail traders have access to pricing that bears a striking resemblance to the wholesale market in it's tightness).
I don't have examples of pricing to hand for two reasons;
1) I don't have a retail options account - I'm an interbank trader.
2) The interbank market prices in vol terms, whereas most retail traders trade either % base notional or dependant ccy 'pips'. So more often than not, while it's possible to tap it all through and compare apples with apples, it's a bit of a pain in the @rse to do.
But I'll make you a deal - come to me with a two way price that you're seeing, including all the relevant trade details (strike price, spot reference, exp date etc) and I'll tap it through on my bloomberg and get a rough vol approximation so we can see if it's scary wide or not.
Can't say fairer than that.