

Has anyone had any experience of using OneWayBet.Com.

I found their site by chance a few days ago and the results of the daily tips looks almost too good to be true (21,000 point in 14 months).

Subscription is only £18 per quarter but having bought so much rubbish in the past i'm always a little dubious.

Your comments are welcomed.

Just ask yourself one question: If their tips really were that good, why would they be offering them for £18? If your own stock selection was good, wouldn't you be trading them and retiring to some nice sunny beach beach somewhere?

Precisely ...

Of course, me being a total cynic, I would like to suggest that it's probably a lot easier to get £18 a quarter from a whole bunch of people rather than trade.

Perhaps that's why no-one on this BB sells the knowledge they freely give ... you'd be far better learning how to select stocks yourself rather than rely on someone who is just after your £18.
I totally agree with what you say about the £18 but from what i can see the charge was only introduced a couple of weeks ago and before this the info has been available FOC for over a year.

I would have dismissed them as i do with most of the others i see but they are FSA regulated and the owner is a respected journalist.

Would like to hear from anyone that has actually had anyexperience of the service themselves.


Forget the tips, as I agree with the comments above.
The site used to have a good comparison table between all the different SB firms with the level of bet, speads, pro & cons of each SB and what the small print meant, which was very good if looking at the different firms.
I've not looked lately so don't if it is still there but if it is its pretty handy.
By the way it all used to be free! ;)

I don't think it's worth the fee.

Last February (2002) I calculated the return from their tips back to 8 May 2001. I eliminated the sporting bets and option plays (which distorts the calculations due to the high gains and losses) and a few for which the gains were difficult to calculate. There were 79 winners and 29 losers over the 9 month period. However the % gains in price or points were proportionately were far less than the % losses. The average gain over this period was about 3% but the average loss was around 9%! The net gain was about 2.6% (2.1% if the options are included).

This suggests as if their Money Management strategy may be suspect since most successful methods make far larger % average gains from the winning bets than the losers.

Of course they may have improved since then, but it's usually far more profitable to spend time studying how to trade yourself than reading tipsheets.