one world currency


Well-known member
If they brought in a one world currency would that be the end of forex? or would they spllit the world up into zones (EU, NA, asia) etc with different exchange rates? what do you reckon
I reckon it would be the end of Forex, else if they split into different zones it would pretty much like be having multiple currencies anyway.
hi there....!!

That would surely will not happen and if it does .....yes, there will be nothing called "FOREX"
It will happen at some point I feel as you can see they are already condensing currencies around the world as we speak. The Euro, the US dollar is on its way out-

"In case you may not have heard, the rather newly planned Amero money is designed to replace the dollar soon - possibly very soon. Obviously, such an idea has already generated a lot of opposition. Nevertheless, it may already be on the way. The basis for the switch of currencies is said to be the uniting of the three nations that make up the North American continent - Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

The Need For A New Money

A couple of years ago, in 2005, the leaders of each of these nations met in Waco, Texas for a summit meeting. The purpose was to discuss the ways to enhance and bring about a better solution for the NAFTA agreement - which has had its share of difficulties so far.

The result of that meeting, apparently, was that trade needed to be encouraged through another means. This could be done, they felt (and others), by uniting the three countries together, and then create a trade board that would actually oversee and enforce that trade - even over the power and authority of the United States.

In order to speed up this trade, and strengthen the dollar against other, stronger currencies such as the euro, a new currency called the Amero was needed. Because the dollar has been weakening on the world scene, and since China holds a lot of American debt, changing the dollar is believed will improve the situation.

Dollar Deliberately Weakened

Part of the plan to bring in the Amero, however, is to weaken the dollar through deliberate inflation. This is happening through money being pumped into the system but interest rates remaining about the same. The result is that the American people, they say, will soon be glad to receive new money that will promise to be more stable - and valuable.

Other governments have also had their share in helping - though not necessarily deliberately. China, for instance, has moved away from basing its currency on the dollar - it did this in 2005. The euro is also becoming stronger - and the dollar weaker.

The Ultimate Goal

Where is all of this headed? After the United States is merged with Canada and Mexico and North America becomes united, thereThe Amero is even a further plan. The overall plan is called the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), and has been acknowledged by President Vicente Fox of Mexico and President Bush.

The first part of the plan - the uniting of the North American nations - is only part one. Part two involves the uniting of all the Americas into one, so that trade can be increased all across this side of the world.

The Need For The Amero

Before all of this can happen, we are told, there needs to be a currency that can stand up to the impact of the combined currencies of the nations. Strength of currencies on an international scale is partly brought about by the numbers of institutions, nations, and people using it. Billions of dollars are lost in currency exchanges when trading between the three nations of North America. A new currency would save those generating our money (the international bankers) this amount of money - making them richer than ever.

In order to see how this plan is developing, watch what actually happens concerning the situation of the illegal immigrants in the United States. In the end, they will most likely be welcomed as citizens and the borders between our countries open up as these three countries become one. There are even plans to create a new immigration and customs service that would actually oversee our own. The Amero - What Are The Plans?

The Americans ,bless them, annoyingly pronounce the Amero (am-air-o) As the (Ammer-o) Bloody hell, how can the world put up with that B@stardisation of language....... ?


Hip Hop.
I don't think there will be just one currency,
the point is to change the reserve currency of the world - from the USD to a completely new one.
there would still be FOREX because there will still be differences in economics.

thus, the ratios of liability for the new reserve would change according to FOREX changes...
only IMHO
The thought has crossed my mind that the FOREX markets could be significantly changed, but I don't think theres any chance of geting an agreement on how to do it. Maybe eventually there'll be fewer currencies, (eg more EURO like multinational currencies - though personally I think we'll even see the Euro fall apart) .
There's too much to gain by staying out of a single curency, so someone always will.
Do you think the leaders of the US/ RUSSIA / CHINA will want to give up the benfits of curency manipulations and subject themselves to some kind of main central bank for the common good? Not a chance.
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never going to happen. and you really think america (the most powerful country in the world) is going to just say yeh ok stop using out currency as the no.
Yes, it would be the end of FX but can't see it happening in our lifetime (or the next few generations after).
People plan things all the time but it doesn't mean that it will happen and there are many highly influential powers who would not want this to happen in my view.

Of course it will happen eventually. If you look far enough into the future surely there won't even be distinctions between nations/races maybe even genders... c'est la vie.
My own little speculation on it: We will go to global currency, however, it will only be a central bank reserve currency. We, as the population, will still use USD's and EUR's and RMB, etc., etc. There will just be a different reserve currency. Then again, I'm no economist, I'm just an idiot with a trading account. Who really knows?
I think it will happen one day maybe in a 100 years or so but certainly not something we need to worry about.
nope i agree...never going to happen. As Glyder says..there is too much gain to staying out. Especially for countrys like the US due to oil being traded in dollars etc. Plus i think it would have a massive affect on FOREX.
If anything would happen, it would probably take generations. But you've already heard about China and Russia in the past couple of months raising doubts about the dollar as the world's reserve currency, which is understandable for China considering they have $1 trillion of US debt priced in USD.

I think that something more interesting would be the emergence of the Chinese Yuan as another reserve currency for the world. Interesting article.
Of course it will happen eventually. If you look far enough into the future surely there won't even be distinctions between nations/races maybe even genders... c'est la vie.

One word for this; ridiculous.
There will not be a one world currency per se,.
The trials are already being implimented, in order to introduce auterity measures using carbon units.
As is usually the case (looking back over time),.the pilot programmes are usually incremental processes in the art of operant conditioning.
The advantage for the managers of the planet, is that most folk are totally unaware of social engineering techniques and their effectiveness.
Fresh thread from the grave!
The Amero? lol It's all theory and conjecture. Don't let the conspiracy theorists fool you.
Also, remember the idea of a "euro" was bandied about for a good 20 years or more before actually coming into existence.
