
Just downloaded a demo of Omnitrader. Looks impressive - does anyone else use it? If so, how do you find it? Is it easy to configure, and does it live up to the hype? Does it have any problems/ annoying glitches? I'd be interested to know - I am only doing well enough to buy one piece of software at the moment, so I want to make sure its the right one!!
Thanks for your help

Hi Mark,

I don't use it..but I am also interested..can you tell me how to download the demo?

by the way I am glad you're over the exams and back and around...

I have been using for a couple of months now and it has more than paid for itself.See the recent thread EDS problem(ARK) for some more comments but I basically like its "adaptive" approach whereby it optimizes (via backtesting) all the parameters of all the various indicators to produce the signals which are CURRENTLY working best.These will almost certainly change the next time the tests are run (usually every 5 days) to reflect the market at that time.In this way it attempts to provide good indicators in trending markets and in trading-range markets.By using various filters you can reduce the number of signals to look at to a reasonable size and do further research on these stocks.I know lots of you use AIQ which I tried but found it did not suit me so I am very happy with OT.No real glitches to speak of and Chris Byars and the support team in the U.S. are very helpful.My only real problem at the start was to want to trade almost every signal it gave which was stupid since it(like everything else) is not perfect but I soon learned to wait for confirmations,"filter" the signals myself and now feel much more confident that I can make a successful trade(and it gave me OGS for this morning!)
Good luck!
Hi spock - glad you answered as I knew you recently bought it. Stupid question, but its an American tool - was it easy to conform it to UK stocks? Does it tell you where to download the info? And most importantly, can someone who is only vaguely computer litereate use it easily!?!

Riz - hope you are well. Yep - finished the exams but didn't pass 🙁 - only 30% did, and as it was my first time, the odds were against it. Have to try the Edinburgh one in April.

The address I went to was:
From there, click "free vid and demo", fill in some contact details, then it allows you to download the demo. Whilst I will check metastock, I have to say I am impressed. And I know Dr Iraj liked it, which is a recommendation in itself. Tell me what you think.
Any more comments from other users will be most welcome!
cheers, Mark
No problem with U.K. stocks on OT and can seemingly use almost any data provider though I found it very difficult to use Prestel because you need extra software and like you I am completely computer illiterate.
I now use Regisdata but Chris Byars will recommend a few providers that make life simple.
Thanks Spock for getting back.
I only have the addres of the US omnitrader, but I have heard Chris Byars name mentioned in the past. Do you have contact details for him? Much appreciated if you could post them.

Riz - did you get the demo? What did you think? Interested to get your thoughts. I am also going to get the demo of metastock just to see from the address given by John. Keep you posted,

Hi Mark,
I haven't been able to work on omnitrader yet..but I am interested and following your thead in this regard..please keep posting and I'll try and join you soon..wondering how much the whole packet including data feed will cost..



[This message has been edited by rizgar (edited 13-12-2000).]
Cheers Spock - spoke to Chris this afternoon - really helpful chap. Just to let you and Riz know, I've gone for the 60-day trial - after loking at both it and metastock, it really gives me what I am looking for.

Riz, in addition, it looks like you get good support. In addition, as well as helping you set it up, Chris also says that he will help you with the settings - to tweak things - he has a lot of experience with it (obviously) and has made a few fine adjustments for the UK markets. I guess its in their interests to help - as you will keep the product at 60 days, and recommend it to others! However, I am confident that this will take me to the next step in my development! Keep you informed

> titus

Are you getting a 60 day trial.. does it cost or what is the deal. I thought you couldn't get a trial period with OT. I'm about to try metastock. You certainly have to have a hands-on trial of the various software packages rather than buying from a demo disc.
Cigar - I should rephrase it as a "no obligation, money back guarantee, should you not be trading better than you were before." Which is really the same as a trial in my eyes!! However, from the demo, I do have high hopes....of course, it will take time to learn how to use it first, but I think that it will significantly improve my returns. For the record, it costs £299. However, IF it does what it says, this will prove to be a small investment.
ps. you do have to subscribe to an end of day data provider, that costs between £15-£25 per month, depending on the quality you desire.

Hi Mark,
I got the Demo and decided to go for 60-day-trial..going to ring Chris next week..keep posting how you get on with it..

Hi Omnitrader on friday. Unfotunately, my data disc has not arrived so was not able to set it up this weekend. However, it looks easy to use, and impressively put together. Will spend a month paper trading with it first, to understand its strengths and limits. No bad thing in this market climate! Will probably us it to trade for smaller percentages - but more often, than for waiting for large moves - in this market, they never seem to come!!
Keep you informed of my progress,

Hi Joe,

I have just bought Omnitrader. I have prestel feed and am trying to get omnitrader to work with my AIQ data. Unfortuntately omnitrader is only regonising the names and symbols of stocks and does;nt seemt o find any data from my AIQ directory. My AIQ trial version works fine. I have used the AIQ patch that omnitrader provide..could u please help me. thanks in advacne
How did u get on with OT?

Many thanks to Hank for reviving this thread.

I have been considering of looking in to getting either OT or MetaStock. MS have a new release that has an indicator that works excellently.

Traders Titus-UK, Riz, Spock, commented on this thread that they were trying OT in year 2000/2001. I’d be interested from them and others to hear how they got on with OT over past 8 years and if they are still using this software?

Also, I’d be interested in hearing from any traders who may have compared MS and OT and of the two which software they have selected and why?

Many thanks
I have had Omnitrader for 2 months now and I am pleased with it also.

Came here to look for an Omnitrader UK User Group, so we can swap ideas, compare signals, settings, etc.
Anybody know of one?

Regards Richard