N Nut Active member Messages 131 Likes 6 Feb 10, 2009 #1 Hi all Feedback from any Omni Trader users would be appreciated Thanks Nut
rathcoole_exile Guest Author Messages 3,925 Likes 767 Feb 10, 2009 #2 http://www.trade2win.com/boards/tec...atch-if-you-ve-never-seen-him.html#post655028
M marty221 Junior member Messages 11 Likes 0 Apr 6, 2010 #3 I closed my account almost 2 months ago, I have tried to stop the threads from them. I called today and when I opened my computor I found more than twenty threads. How do you stop them?
I closed my account almost 2 months ago, I have tried to stop the threads from them. I called today and when I opened my computor I found more than twenty threads. How do you stop them?