Notice for margin call and risk-profiling


I was sitting in front of my computer during the aftermarket auction (4.31pm) when I saw a mispriced feed drive my account deep in red for one second or so.

That triggered a computer-generated margin call, duly emailed to me (my first in 4 years, hooray). The reality is that the account in substance, was never red.

My question is simple: should I bother - as the margin reestablished itself within a second or contact credit control to challenge the margin call?

The underlying question is do they do risk-profiling on their clients' accounts? If so, I would want to have this notice deleted from my profile.

Anyone working in the industry or having any view? Thanks
Don't ignore it. Call the broker. If it was really an errant price then they should rescind the margin call. They should be able to tell you exactly what to do in any case.
