This trading software is advertised as being able to indicate to you when to buy and when to sell stock. However, after we spent $14, 000 for it, my husband went through 8 months of classes, both online and in their 'conference', which was another $2000! And all he was able to do was lose money.
There are so many different indicators that you can hardly keep up with what they are doing. By the time you figure it all out and decide to jump in and buy it's usually too late and the market has gone the other direction.
We lost well over $50, 000 during this time period, almost lost everything. We should have cut our losses a long time sooner, but when my husband would call them and tell them he was having a hard time, they would just encourage him to take another one on one session or something. They put on a great show of offering all this 'support', but don't be fooled! We even had one of their own 'trainers' come to our house (we lived just down the street from their office) to show him how it works. He proceeded to lose $2000 of our money within about 20 minutes. Of course we never got that back either!
When I asked for even a partial refund, I was flatly refused. Only after we purchased this stock trading software did I find out that the owner, John Novak, had been in trouble with the SEC previously.
My goal is to prevent others from wasting such a huge sum of money on useless crap software