I cant tell you about a news widget as I dont need news for my trading, however a good windows charting package I can say is the best I've used is Updata
Have tried amibroker, ninjatrader, metastock, esignal, sharescope, CQG, wave 59 and others..but Updata is right there at the top and a fraction of the cost of wave 59 and CQG
just my experience though. Needless you will get loads of others posting theirs and you will be none the wiser..so start with Updata and that way then if you like it you've saved the months and months of trying others.
Just here to help
Check out CQG's new product "QTrader"...$40 p/m....the same Trade Execution as their Integrated Client but at a much cheaper price. I.C is around £300 - £500 p/m.
Ive started using it, it has around 6 Trading Interfaces inc Dom Ladders, Spreadsheet Trading and also Trading from the Chart.