Trading Retail FX from a U.S. based intermediary regulated by the CFTC, is about become on par with being a roaming Dinosaur just before the great Barringer meteor struck planet earth in the state of Arizona, some 200+ million years ago. You don't want to be standing at ground zero when it happens.
If you like continually having your trading platform shut down during high volume periods, such that you cannot manually exit out of your position, or such that you continually get re-quoted without anyone actually using the words "re-quote," or if you enjoy not being able to log-in to your trading platform for a full day on Friday's (just before the weekend), all because the company you trade with does not understand technology well enough to realize the benefits from enterprise technology concepts such as: Fail-Over, Scalable, Fault Tolerant, Redundancy or Emergency Power Supply (for goodness sakes), then by all means, stick with the one who brought you to the dance.
Just remember, if you don't return the carriage by midnight, that White Horse driven piece of work will automatically turn into a useless pumpkin and leave you stranded on the side of the road with one thumb UP in the air looking for a ride home and one thumb DOWN on the thought of ever being silly enough to actually think that you could get anywhere with it - other than to the corner grocery store.
TradeSMART, by Managing your Positions. :smart:
Do your homework.