New Support lines for FTSE/DOW


Hi Guys,

I've made a couple of posts in the 'Newbies' section, but this is my first foray into the 'Big Boy's' section so here goes....

As the markets have rallied today I would like to make a hypothesis and see if anyone agrees/disagrees;

The FTSE broke through the 4,000 points mark today (closing at around 4,130). My analysis shows that 4,000 was a support level (around mid/late January). This was subsequently broken in February. As often is the case, the previous support level turned to a resistance level around mid/late March. Since the buyers have now punched through the resistance, I hypothesise that 4,000 will return to a strong support level, and consequently we now operating in a new range for the FTSE.

Similarily the Dow rallied to break the 8,000 points mark today. Per my analysis 8,000 proved a significant support level between mid Jan to mid Feb. This was broken in mid Feb, and after a minor recovery, 8,000 points flipped to a resistance level for a period in mid-late March. Again, my hypothesis is that 8,000 point mark will return to a strong support level.

Thanks for reading, look forward to hearing your views


Hi Guys,

I've made a couple of posts in the 'Newbies' section, but this is my first foray into the 'Big Boy's' section so here goes....

Since the buyers have now punched through the resistance, I hypothesise that 4,000 will return to a strong support level, and consequently we now operating in a new range for the FTSE.

It's always nice to be called a 'big boy'!

Your logic is sound but only until everyone realises that it takes more than a change in accounting rules, a conference and a $trillion to make everything OK again.

So use the S/R you suggest BUT be ready to be proved wrong and don't get wedded to the idea.

I hypothesise that 4,000 will return to a strong support level, and consequently we now operating in a new range for the FTSE.

Told you (my response above).


(Not being smug, just making the point that it is costly to hang onto even soundly reasoned ideas).
id say rejection of the 3900 and a pull back to the 38 fib drawn from 31st march 08 is your best bet.

I think we'll be seeing trading below 3800 before we see 4000 again