yes its like a lottery its all about guess work? ask members if they really enjoy this,i know of at least a dozen people who have lost interest,
bring back the share competition please
What a load of rubbish, i agree with the comments of skeltonr9, anyone who has the time to sit for hours shorting and longing could build their portfolio up, but where is the skill in that? bring back a comp where a bit of research into company shares has to be done, been a member of T2 for a while now and i have won a couple of books and enjoyed the comps but come on lets have a comp with a bit of skill in it, even if like me you are just doing it as a bit of fun you still need something in it to keep you interested.
There is not even a point to the present game
skeltonr9: No more betting all your cash on a penny share and winning the competition with no skill, just pure luck - now that's a lottery.
at last the worms are coming out of the woodwork,bring it on lets have a proper debate
how many members would like to bring back originall share game?
how many would like to keep new comp?
So come on guv, play the game. (pun intended).