New IB API release


Good to hear there's a Uk IB rep. Perhaps you can answer a question I've asked many times on the IB discussion board, but which never gets answered! SSL appears to have been rolled out only on the US servers. Can you tell me when it's going to be rolled out on the CH and HK ones?
why not just re-install using the US server - not that i use the SSL option - whats so good about it ?
I don't want to be on the US server, and anyway resintalling doesn't do that, even if it suggests that it does, you need to email tech support to get your server changed. I want to been the CH server, as it's faster for me, and I'd also like SSL, as it offers extra security. However, IB don't seem to offer it, and most frustratingly, never respond to any request for info about the roll out.
Hi Peter,

I reckon 1 in 10 days SSL logins fail anyway but you can always get in without SSL (not that I'd want to)


Are you saying that you cannot get the SSL option ? If so it is only down to which version of Java you are running.


I get the SSL option, I just can't log in if I use it. I'm using the latest version of java (1.4.2_03-b02). I also use the CH server, not one of the US ones. I've not found anyone who is not using a US server who has ever managed to log in with SSL, so I'm assuming that is normal. When IB rolled out SSL on the US servers they didn't do so on the CH or HK servers. At the time (a year ago or so) they said it would follow. AFAIKS it never has, and they've never made any announcement about it or responded to any queries about it.

However, if anyone is using the CH server and managing to log in with SSL I'd be very interested to know about it.