The fools. Borrowing money, thinking the good times will never end, traders picking bottoms. It's just as well we don't do that kind of thing now or we'd be in a pickle.
Their real problem was that they used up so much energy walking so fast. Even the waves in the sea moved quickly.
Great video, particularly loved the bits about Jessie Livermore's wife, cutting the legs off the antique furniture to compensate for the uneven floor... hiding the furniture on the day of the crash fearing she'd lost everything.
A fascinating insight into those times from her perspective
If you haven't already, and you actually want to know how the financial/banking system works, here is the must see thread. The Money Masters is a must see documentary - if you want to know why the boom-bust cycle exists, how it operates, and who profits from both the up & down phase.
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Mr. Steve