Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book.


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Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book.

Hello There.

I am not sure whether to put this here on in the technical analysis candlestick section. So i have put it here as i think it should get more views.

I was wondering if anyone knows if Munehisa Homma book is available from anyone (online or hardcopy) as i can not find it. It is:

San-en Kinsen Hiroku, The fountain of Gold - The Three Monkey Record of Money.

Although it was written in 1755 in Japan i would assume there would be some translated copies around as he is romoured to have made 10 billion in profits per year. Not bad for someone 300 years ago give or take and 100 years before Jesse Livermore.

The other two are (which i can also not find - if anyone has any information):

- Homma Sokyu Soba Zanmai Den, Honma Sokyu --- Tales of a Life Immersed in the Market

- Sakata Senjyutsu Syokai, A Full Commentary on the Sakata Strategy

Here is some information for anyone interested in him (can't find much on him):

Homma Munehisa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Japanese Candlesticks
Re: Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book

hi benji were you able to find the book even i am looking for it . what is your email id
Re: Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book

hi benji were you able to find the book even i am looking for it . what is your email id

Yes iam also looking for some good books of the Japanese Candle sticks that give me good idea of the candles and the trade setups.
Re: Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book

hi benji were you able to find the book even i am looking for it . what is your email id

Hi Moneyspread.

Unfortunately i was not able to find the book, either in online format or offline.
Re: Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book

Yes iam also looking for some good books of the Japanese Candle sticks that give me good idea of the candles and the trade setups.

I believe some good books are: Steve Nison: Japanese Candlestick Charting techniques. I have not read the other book "Beyond Candlesticks".
Hi guys.

I have found a translation online in English.

It is available on Amazon Kindle.

How accurate the translation is I do not know. If the translation is accurate the first part of the book is written by the translator/aurthor about his reasons for translating the book and some background on the economics etc/storage places of rice in the time that Homna Muneshisa was alive including background and bio. The second part of the book is 'The Fountain of Gold' with commentary of what the paragraphs are.

The author is Korean and the book was translated from Japanese into English. I find the writing style to be quight difficult to follow at times. However I find the work and effort put into it to be very good.

The translated book is called: The God of trading, Honma.

The link to the book is here: