MT4 RTData tweak


Hello everybody

I recent downloaded this AGData tweak, interesting and useful but I asked myself, how I could save real time data from mt4?, well, I tweak this tweak and this is it.

Hope you think is useful as well



  • MT4
    4 KB · Views: 237
MT4 RTData V2


I've updated this previous version of RTData, again, tweaking something I found on the internet.

This time the indicator captures RT data as ascii, in the same format as before, but the difference is that it is not necessary to open different charts with different timeframes to capture the data, instead, you just need one chart, no matter the timeframe, and in the properties tab of the indicator decide if you want to capture M1, M5, M15, H1, H4, D1, or W1 for that instrument.

Just copy these two files to the mt4 /indicators/ folder.

I've included the txtinfo.inf necessary for the DT software. Just copy this file to the /experts/files/ directory.

As always I've included the mq4. If someone can improve this you are welcome, but share your improvement.



    6.5 KB · Views: 214
RT_Data V3 for NinjaTrader


This one is for capturing only one minute bars in ascii format that can be imported into Ninjatrader.

You can import almost-realtime data to Ninjatrader through the Historical Data Manager. Remember that NT only needs M1 data to create the other timeframes. To import this data just localize the /experts/files/ folder through the Historical Data Manager in NT and click "Import".

No tick data available.

The only annoying thing about this algorithm is that although the ascii file is created in realtime, you have to import the data manually in NT. This is a pain in the ass but I haven't found any useful tool to make this update automatically. If you found something, please let me know.

If you don't see new bars in the chart once updated the instrument, you have to change to another instrument and then return to the previous one. Once updated, you can change timeframes without any problem.



    5 KB · Views: 183