'new' MT4 indicators are being written every day, originals, mtf convertions, addition of
alerts and/or siganls, improved version, as well those found on Russian sites and posted
for the first time on an English language forum, and as stated previously, the time required
to view threads and posts will be several hours per week plus trials of any downloads
many indicators appear in threads - not posted in a dedicated thread - so one has to view
threads in order to know a 'new' indicator has been posted
also some indicators may appear in a chart image but aren't posted and one has to google
to try and find it/them
the ' Trading System ' forum of sites will usually have indicators posted by the system op
as well as new versions, as well there may be additional indicators system users include
following are some sites/sources for MT4 Indicators, Expert Advisors, Scripts etc
Forex Forum, Forex Calendar, Forex News @ Forex Factory is an 'open site', that is attachments can be viewed and
downloaded without registration as well as being able to use Search
forexfactory doesn't have an 'Indicator Forum' so it's best to view the whole site to get
an idea of what may be available where; what is useful is the live paperclip icon which
clicked on lista all attachments in date order, so one can quickly view if there's been any
updates and download directly from the list; forexfactory also has a very good Calendar
Forex TSD| Metatrader Indicators and Experts Advisors requires registration to view and download attachments
doesn't have a date order attachments file so one has to go to 'last page' to know if there's
been a new indicator posted; following are the main sub forums for indicators as well as the
'Trading System' forum etc
Indicators - Metatrader 4 - Forex Trading
Indicators with alert/signal - Forex Trading
Multi Timeframe Indicators - Forex Trading
MQL4 Code Base: expert advisors, custom indicators, scripts and libraries is the official MetaQuotes forum and the collection of indicators
here is usually accompanied with a chart with the indicator attached; no registration needed
the site is coding oriented however there's additional info there re TA and Articles, plus EAs
Scipts, Libraries
Forex | Trading System | Signals | MACD | Indicator - no reg database
Forex Trading Indicators - no reg database
FXTrick :: Maximize Your Profit - MT4 Custom Indicator - no reg database
bot generated list - eg for sale on ebay - indicators may not be available without forum
registration in those instances
please add to the list
. . .
alerts and/or siganls, improved version, as well those found on Russian sites and posted
for the first time on an English language forum, and as stated previously, the time required
to view threads and posts will be several hours per week plus trials of any downloads
many indicators appear in threads - not posted in a dedicated thread - so one has to view
threads in order to know a 'new' indicator has been posted
also some indicators may appear in a chart image but aren't posted and one has to google
to try and find it/them
the ' Trading System ' forum of sites will usually have indicators posted by the system op
as well as new versions, as well there may be additional indicators system users include
following are some sites/sources for MT4 Indicators, Expert Advisors, Scripts etc
Forex Forum, Forex Calendar, Forex News @ Forex Factory is an 'open site', that is attachments can be viewed and
downloaded without registration as well as being able to use Search
forexfactory doesn't have an 'Indicator Forum' so it's best to view the whole site to get
an idea of what may be available where; what is useful is the live paperclip icon which
clicked on lista all attachments in date order, so one can quickly view if there's been any
updates and download directly from the list; forexfactory also has a very good Calendar
Forex TSD| Metatrader Indicators and Experts Advisors requires registration to view and download attachments
doesn't have a date order attachments file so one has to go to 'last page' to know if there's
been a new indicator posted; following are the main sub forums for indicators as well as the
'Trading System' forum etc
Indicators - Metatrader 4 - Forex Trading
Indicators with alert/signal - Forex Trading
Multi Timeframe Indicators - Forex Trading
MQL4 Code Base: expert advisors, custom indicators, scripts and libraries is the official MetaQuotes forum and the collection of indicators
here is usually accompanied with a chart with the indicator attached; no registration needed
the site is coding oriented however there's additional info there re TA and Articles, plus EAs
Scipts, Libraries
Forex | Trading System | Signals | MACD | Indicator - no reg database
Forex Trading Indicators - no reg database
FXTrick :: Maximize Your Profit - MT4 Custom Indicator - no reg database
bot generated list - eg for sale on ebay - indicators may not be available without forum
registration in those instances
please add to the list
. . .