MS EOD trading


Does anybody here use MS 9.0 for EOD trading and is successful with it? If so what formula or searches have you found most useful.What markets are you trading on? Last but not least which data feeds are you using and which data feeds would you not recommend?
Hello PeterB,

I´m using MS 9 and I find it very useful. But the program alone won´t make you a successful investor or trader.

what formula or searches have you found most useful
All of my investing is based on dr. Alexander Elder´s interpreting of indicators.

which data feeds are you using and which data feeds would you not recommend?
For starters, I use the Stock Quotes Express for obtaining the EOD data, but you can´t run any stock screens on this type of data. If you want to run stock screens, you should use Reuters DataLink or some similar service.

I hope this helps.