Money Management Success


Junior member
Money Management - The KEY to Your Personal and Business Success!

"Ruptured dreams of my life exploded across my mind as I witnessed the loss of everything I had worked for throughout my entire lifetime. I was catapulted into the deepest despair I had ever known. Everything was crashing down around me, and the feelings of drowning choked my very being." This happened to me! Together, we will not let it happen to you. If you are only making it from paycheck to paycheck and unable to get ahead of the DEBT TRAP, then you have come to the right place. If you are doing well on the pay scale but just don't seem to know where your money is going or how to get ahead of the game, you have also come to the right place.

Everyone in life is given the power of choice, and the choices you have made directly impact where you are today. The choices you make today will dramatically affect where you are going to be and what you will have accomplished tomorrow. Since Money 101 was never taught in school, many individuals have not made the best choices in life with their finances. We can survive and prosper if we have a plan, and that is exactly what we are going to accomplish here. You can expect to learn:

The real cost of Credit Card debt.
The true cost of a mortgage loan.
How to pay off a mortgage sooner rather than later.
How to reduce present expenses while paying off debt.
Where to find extra money to jump-start your pay off plan.
Why women should take charge of their own financial life.
Why paying off your debt is your best investment.
How to lay out a step-by-step financial plan.
How to be totally debt free, including your mortgage, in 5-10 years.
Life teaches some very hard lessons, and no where is it more evident than in the area of debt. You can survive most anything if you own your home, car, etc. If you do not have debt on these items, you cannot lose them when the economy takes a nose dive and you possibly lose your job. It takes very little to live on if you are not buried in debt.

Set Your Financial Goals.
Find out exactly what you want out of life, and set your priorities! If you want to start your own business, and money problems are holding you back, you must have a plan to get out of the financial maize. I am here to help you do just that, so don't put it off any longer. You can do this now. There are many ways of starting a new business, whether you want to work outside of the home, or work from home. The most important thing to keep in mind is to have a plan to get you where you want to go.

You have to sit down to determine where you are spending your money, and why you are spending it in this or that area. Are you an impulse spender, or do you determine in advance what you are going to buy? To control impulse spending, you have to change old habits. This is not as hard to do as you might think. To change a habit, be it good or bad, only takes 21 days of consistent action. Have you ever started an exercise program and found that if you could get past the first three weeks, it was so much easier to keep on with the program. This same idea applies to getting started on a sound financial program.

Credit Cards Are Bad for Your Health.
If you cannot pay a credit card off completely when the bill arrives, then it is time to take a serious look. If you are only paying the minimum payment each month, then you could be paying 25-32% interest without even knowing it. There are many ways a bank can pull this off without your knowledge. I was addicted to the Sunday sale ads in the newspaper, and I would find something that was on sale for 50-70% off. What a deal! Well, if you went down to the store and bought the most useful, beautiful whatever at this fantastic sale price and put it on your credit card and made only the minimum payment each month and did not put anything else on that credit card, this would be the result at 17.9% interest. If you charged $3,000.00, it would take you 32 years and 2 months to pay it off. You would have paid over $17,000.00 in interest, and if you were in the 28% tax bracket (Federal only), you would have to have earned over $26,000.00 to pay off that $3,000.00. This does not make good sense, does it? Yet, people are doing just that, not just on one credit card, but on 5 to 10 credit cards. This is like making 5 to 10 extra mortgages payments!

As you can see from the above, we must stop following the crowd and doing the same thing as everyone else is doing, or we are going to find ourselves in even worse shape tomorrow than we are in today. The herd mentality must go! Get rid of all your credit cards except one for personal use, and one for business use, and most importantly, get them out of your purse or pocket. If you do not have a credit card with you when you are tempted, then you cannot buy impulsively. You have to plan to spend so your spending does not control you.

This is Your Life - Go For It.
I am here to help you, so if you need specific help in getting started and all along the way, just let me know. Women need to take control of their finances and know what is going on, whether you are married or single. Taking that control will help you get out of debt; give you more confidence if you want to change your career direction; and help if you want to start your own business. Success is only a step away. Let me help you to take step-by-step action to get you on the road to financial freedom now.

"Everyone in life is given the power of choice, and the choices you have made directly impact where you are today." Absolutely agree with this words, If you've made your choice and you own your business now, make sure there are a lot of honesty and of course the most important you must enjoy doing the work. Then you will be successful and you'll prosper financially.
Thanks for such great forum i found many tips here about planning on money management.First of all i want to gave short description that before making your management success you must see that where you are working on in which city or country you move your business so before moving you must analyze some some pest issues that is political, economical, social and technological factors these are the factors by which you make your business successful and when your business move accurately so there are also some checks or procedures to make your management worked better hope you guys enjoy to read this.Thanks for your patience guys
There is no doubt that Money Management is the first step of success. Thanks to share such great info with us.