Michael Milken: Junk Bonds to Prostate Cancer

Beach Runner

Active member
"...It was 1993, and Michael Milken, the once-highflying junk-bond wizard had, a few years earlier, been a familiar face in the newspapers because of his high-profile indictment on securities violations. Only two weeks before, in fact, Milken—now wearing a phony ID badge with his middle name and father-in-law's surname—had been released from prison, having served 22 months. Coffey was surprised not just by who his questioner was, but by the fact that he wasn't a doctor. His toupee gone and his toothy grin somewhat modulated, Milken seemed more like a veteran lab scientist than a desperate patient. He knew much about the biology of cancer.

It was only when Milken began to speak rapturously about turning prostate cancer research on its head and starting "a Manhattan Project for cancer" that the financier sounded a bit naive..."

The words above are from an article on how the former junk bond king has turned his skill's to fighting prostate cancer which has just appeared in Fortune and The Business. An interesting life. If anyone would like to read it, here's a link:
