

Junior member
How difficult is to program in Metatrader a simple system? I heard it is difficult and people suggested I open an account with Tradestation instead. For example, how difficult is to program something like:

condition = false
condition: close of this bar > high of previous bar
If condition then buy at the open of next bar
limit order at entry price + 10 pips OCO stoploss order at entry price - 10 pips
Pretty easy. It's no more difficult than VB or Javascript.

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How difficult is to program in Metatrader a simple system? I heard it is difficult and people suggested I open an account with Tradestation instead. For example, how difficult is to program something like:

condition = false
condition: close of this bar > high of previous bar
If condition then buy at the open of next bar
limit order at entry price + 10 pips OCO stoploss order at entry price - 10 pips

personally I find Metatrader well overated and very complicated. The whole layout is absolutely horrid. But u may disagree
I think I will go with Tradestation. Their support people are willing to help and they responded immediately. Metatrader support is nowhere to be found. I keep hearing from many people that it is easy to program my little example but nobody has shown to me how. Maybe Metatrader targets commercial users that look for customization.
I've used a couple of back testers and platforms and I just found Metatrader clunky. Maybe its good for some, but I just can't get to grips with it and I'm usually pretty good with stuff like this. I even found opening and closing positions an absolute joke, it was as if it was hidden away on the platform. Nope, from what I've seen Tradestation looks a better bet. I also prefer Ninja Trader. Hope that helps.
Um. F9 to open, click on the trade to close. Setting stops quickly is a PITA, though.