Metatrader Forum Ideas


If members of this forum have any ideas or suggestions as to how we can better support our metatrader users then please mention them on this thread and we'll see what we can do.

Hi Paul,

I have spent countless hours looking for programming info & help. From the number of posts on forums scattered across the net others are looking as well. Lots of us are non programmers, but see the need to learn MQL programming. We could read books or postings but for me I learn better from videos covering the basic materials then progress to books after a foundation is laid which shortens the learning curve. If you want to help us and increase the member base have someone extremely knowledgeable that can teach do a few videos on how to. or better yet a total course on MQL by video lessons that are archived. Be the first on the net to offer this info in this format!

Some of the trading videos on T2W are helpful beyond expression like Phil Newton's Breakout Strategy...I've probably watched it 10 times and always pick up a new point

Hope This Helps!
two basic MT subforums would be Indicators, Expert Advisors

a lot of coding questions are answered within threads relating to the indicator/ea
tho some sites do have a how-to Coding/Programing subforum

A section for metatrader services for programmers offering professional services ,server hosting services, expert advisors and other off the shelf programmes would be useful for both buyers and sellers of the service.

This would involve posting links to these paid services.

Here is an example

StrategyBuilderFX MT4 Trading Platform - SBFX Directory
