Hi, I have a friend who recently downloaded the software and is doing the month to month payment plan for the ongoing service. I have been checking with him frequently for an update in his progress. He also works a full time job at night so the going is slow. He is a very intelligent person and an aspirational beginning trader so I assume he would not be brought in by an obvious scam. I tried doing research myself and only found people posting similar querys online. I downloaded their manual through my friend's access and was impressed by the method but definitely not by their grammar. It's neat in that is is a conservative approach to trading relying on several criteria before triggering the trade itself. There are supposedly many times a day you will get notification (paintbar, geometric shape, etc.) for a setup but then no trigger notification because the trade didnt follow through. I'm not endorsing it because I've never used it, but I am rather intrigued and can't wait to get another update from my friend.