Article Market Mind Games

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We've just published a new T2W article called "Market Mind Games" by Ryan Litchfield.

Quick Summary: All your life you have been conditioned to be tough and strive to win. That will work for you in life but it will fail you in the market. Being tough, optimistic and hanging in there when a trade is going against you is not a good thing.

PS. Don't forget to rate the article after you've read it and share your comments on this thread.
Overly obvious Advertorial IMHO ... lots of truisms and some wrongisms.

"When you make money on a trade, you have not beaten the market, you have blended with it."

If the author truly understood Mark Douglas he would realize that if your aim is to blend with the market then you achieve it irrespective of whether the trade is profitable or not.
A reasonable article, but imo it's "easier said than done". Like:
"Strive to have a 4 to 1 reward risk ratio."... that's a very good R/R... but I doubt many traders have that on each trade.

On the other side, it might be a cliche but it's still a valid one:
"You can however profitably and peacefully interact with it. It is not about being right. It is about doing it right." One of the first things that helped me improve, is that you don't have be right (all the time) to make money.